Weaverville Fire Department Support Services

Minutes, Meeting April 1, 2015 5:00 p.m.

125 Bremer Street


I.                 Call to Order/Introductions: Called to order by President, Tina Scott at 5:02 p.m. Members present: Betty, Tania, Serena, Elizabeth, Larry H., Lewis, Terri, Briana, Scott, and Lisa. 

II.               Approve Minutes of March 4, 2015 – MSC T. Alvord/Curran to approve the minutes of the March 4, 2015 meeting, as presented.

III.              Reports:

A. President: (Tina) – Tina reported that the group had received a thank you note from George and Joan Owen thanking those who provided meals for them during their time of need.

B. Treasurer: (Marjie) –Lisa reported that bingo received a check from WFD to increase the petty cash to $500.00.    

C. Logistics: (Tania) Tania reported that the protocol meeting on March 11 was cancelled, will discuss tonight.  


IV.             Action Items:

A.  Protocol and procedures during an emergency incident (Tania) – Scott reported that the goal of the Logistical Support is to provide the firefighters at the scene of an incident with snacks and hydration.  In addition, they may also be asked to provide the air trailer, traffic control, and staff rehabilitation.  If a meal is required the IC will determine that and let support services know.  Support Services responders will need to be able to do the following:

·        Gather up the following and load into the pick-up to take to the scene-

A. Ice chest with waters and Gatorades (water closet key in hall snack closet, hanging up)

B. Shade/Rain awning if needed

C. Snack boxes

D. Hook up air trailer if needed

E. Keys to the pick-up are in the office copy room, hanging up

F. Respond to the incident with a minimum of 2 people.

G. If IC requests a meal, determine, according to time of day, incident, and # of firefighters (including all mutual aid firefighters), what meal should be prepared, and start on it at the appropriate time (most likely right away)

In addition, we are working on getting support services in the FFRS system for the preferred method of contact when responding.  Discussion on safety wear when going to scene.  April 22nd there will be an Air Trailer training.

B.  Fundraisers during Open House (Larry H) – Discussion on Open House in June instead of May.  Larry proposed we serve free cookies and drinks to the public in addition having a root beer floats, bake sale, and 50/50 ticket drawing as a fundraiser event for supplying the dorms. 

C.  Job Descriptions Approve (Tina) – Discussion on the role of the Vice-President – was decided to keep the position.  This item was tabled until next meeting so the members can review the descriptions.

D.  Appreciation Cards (Tina) – A group of 5 Support Services members went to various businesses to solicit participation in the Firefighter Discount Cards.  Although many businesses agreed to participate, there are still more to go to.       

E. Children’s Festival (Lisa) – Lisa reported that the firefighters will not be able to participate this year due to training on that day.  Will make the booth simpler for the younger children.  Betty will possibly bring the miniature horse to attract kids.  Serena will make a banner for the booth, Terri will have the tri fold display ready, and Lisa will print up more business cards to hand out.  A sign-up sheet was passed around.         


V.               Committee Reports:

A.  EMS Support (Serena) – Discussion on making sure batteries and oxygen are in stock, and washing the SCBA masks.

B.  Station Maintenance (Tania) – Discussion on having a quarterly clean-up day with the first starting on June 27th.

C. Equipment (Fleet) Maintenance: (Herk) – No report.    

D. Web Technology: (Mike) – Lisa reported that Mike is keeping up on the website, and facebook.      

E.  Fundraiser (Larry H) –   Larry spoke of other fundraiser ideas for the Department in general: Bingo-make it a year-round event. Some thought there would not be the support during the fire season due to members gone.  Calendar- Would like to continue this and have a 2016 calendar fundraiser.  Terri and Lisa to work on getting photos right away of the members leaving for the summer, and to get the others photographed before training on Wednesdays.  Fire Department Cookbook – Larry presented the idea of a cookbook for fundraising.  Members were optimistic and wanted to participate.  Firefighters, Support Services, and any of their family members may submit a recipe.  All recipes must be given to Lisa by September 1st.  Will try to sell the calendar and the cookbook from late October on.      

F.  Marketing (Betty) – Betty reported getting the bingo handouts put up around town, and she will talk to the Trinity Journal to get the bingo advertisement in the paper.  Discussion on putting Support Services ad in the free section of “Clubs” to try and recruit more members.   


VI.              Open Forum and Topics for Next Meeting:  Next meeting: Cleaning SCBA masks        


VII.            Adjourn:  There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:24 p.m.